Thursday, April 28, 2011

All the small things

Just got back from Sainsbury's - I had to go as it was rather like Mother Hubbard's in our house. I like our new Sainsbury's, the staff are always pleasant and the quality of their goods is great. Today I was super-impressed though.

While perusing the soaps I started sneezing (strong smells set me off) and realised I needed some more anti-histamines. I trundled off to the pharmacy section and showed her my empty packet I wanted to replace. As an off-hand remark I mentioned that I was going to take one there and then as my allergies were playing up. The lovely assistant then offered to get me a cup of water to take it with. There was no obligation for her to offer but it was just that extra little touch that makes a customer leave with a warm, fuzzy feeling that they are cared for. 



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