Friday, April 8, 2011

Twitter working

I am always amazed and thankful for the people I have met and the connections I have made through Twitter. Like @markshaw I believe that the main aim on Twitter should be to be social; talk with tweeters, build relationships. Do not just do the 'hard sell'. Yesterday, however, I was totally blown away by the power and randomness (if that's the right word) of Twitter.

I was having a conversation via Twitter and was asked by an infuriated husband why we women make a phone call, leave a message and then put our phones in the bottom of our handbags so we don't hear when the call is returned. I explained that it was a clothing design fault, women's clothing has few pockets so the only place to put our phone is usually in our handbag where it is notoriously hard to hear the ringtone. I went on to add that I have solved this by purchasing a jacket from ScotteVest

I didn't hashtag or @ the name, just mentioned it in passing. Imagine my surprise around an hour late to receive a Tweet from @scottevest telling me that my random tweet was now on the front page of their website as the Featured Fan Tweet of the Day. Someone from the company must have set up a search for their name and then added it to their website as part of their marketing strategy. 

Here's the relevant portion of the full screenshot I took. 


This is how you use Twitter. Connect with people, listen to them, make them feel special. Go on - tweet with someone today. 

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